Who Made Your Clothes..Take a Selfie, send to us and we will add you to the album.
On April 24, 2013 --1,133 people died (since that time more have died) and 2,500 were severely injured when the garment factory they were working in collapsed in Bangladesh. Many of the 2,500 survivors are without arms and legs with NO social support programs from the retailers involved or the country of India to help them.
This happened because consumers (we) want t-shirts and clothes for $5 dollars. Someone does pay the price. Question is WHO? Are you mindful and conscious of who made your clothes? Do you know how they are made? Where they come from? What it takes to make them?
Consumers Against Toxic Apparel believes you should know, act and be part of the solution for a safe work environment, fair living wages, no child slavery, and sustainable fashion. Email your selfie to silverneedleandthread@gmail.com, @cataorganic or post on facebook page we will share. Help us build this album to honor those who died for the sake of fashion....
By taking the CATA Pledge you can help put an end to tragedies like this. CATA Affiliate Companies can show traceability and transparency for the garments they sell. Affiliates do business with consciousness and is mindful of how their products are made. Take the Pledge
Photo Credits: All Rana Plaza photos were taken from the internet. We do not claim any copyright ownership and give full credit to the original photographers involved.
On April 24, 2013 --1,133 people died (since that time more have died) and 2,500 were severely injured when the garment factory they were working in collapsed in Bangladesh. Many of the 2,500 survivors are without arms and legs with NO social support programs from the retailers involved or the country of India to help them.
This happened because consumers (we) want t-shirts and clothes for $5 dollars. Someone does pay the price. Question is WHO? Are you mindful and conscious of who made your clothes? Do you know how they are made? Where they come from? What it takes to make them?
Consumers Against Toxic Apparel believes you should know, act and be part of the solution for a safe work environment, fair living wages, no child slavery, and sustainable fashion. Email your selfie to silverneedleandthread@gmail.com, @cataorganic or post on facebook page we will share. Help us build this album to honor those who died for the sake of fashion....
By taking the CATA Pledge you can help put an end to tragedies like this. CATA Affiliate Companies can show traceability and transparency for the garments they sell. Affiliates do business with consciousness and is mindful of how their products are made. Take the Pledge
You should Take the Pledge today....
Help CATA make fashion better, safer, cleaner and fair!
Photo Credits: All Rana Plaza photos were taken from the internet. We do not claim any copyright ownership and give full credit to the original photographers involved.
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